In order to better prepare you for the student loan process, here are the general guidelines to follow. If you do not meet one or more of the qualifications, it is recommended that you apply for the loan with a qualified cosigner. Although the following guidelines are not specific to any particular lender, they will give you a good idea of what to expect during the loan application process.
- US Citizen or Permanent Resident
- 720 Credit Score or Better - If you are unsure of your credit score, you do not need to find out before you apply for the loan
- Established Credit History - Your credit history should be established for 3 or more years
- Minimum Income of at least $50,000 per year - With minimal debt
- Continuous Employment - For the last 3 years or more. If you or your cosigner is retired that is also considered continuous income
If you have any questions about the student loan process, please contact us by filling out a Student Inquiry form.