If you have forgotten your password, please follow these steps to regain access to your account:
- Go to the Account Login page on the Registration Portal
- Select "Forgot Your Password" and enter the email associated to your account
- If you do not remember your account email, or you no longer have access to that email, please submit a Support Request
- After entering your email, you will be prompted with your "Secret Question"
- If you do not remember your answer, please submit a Support Request
- You will receive the temporary password by email - please check your spam/junk folders if the email does not arrive
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Login will fail if you include blank, whitespace characters in your password (Please use caution when copy/pasting your temp password to avoid including any extra spaces.)
- Once you have regained access to the Registration Portal, head to My Account > Change Password to set your new password
- Once set, this password will be used for both the Registration Portal and Student Campus.