As the AM Menu is no longer a part of the AM curriculum, these instructions will help you update any rigs you currently have in your shot that need the AM Menu as well as show you how to remove the AM Menu from Maya and your system.
Updating Your Rigs to Remove Their AM Menu Dependency
To update your rigs you will need to follow the instructions below. There are a set of instructions for imported rigs, and a set of instructions for referenced rigs.
Updating Imported Rigs
- Import the newest version of the rig into your shot
- Transfer your animation from one rig to the other using the ATOM transfer tool. There is a knowledge base article on how to use the tool here
Updating Referenced Rigs
- Go to Reference Editor (File > Reference Editor)
- Right-click on your rig's reference and select Reference > Replace Reference
- Browse for the new version of the rig, select it, and hit Okay
*IMPORTANT* If you have imported rigs in your shot or in older shots, make sure you upgrade them BEFORE you remove the AM Menu or it will make updating the rigs more difficult. Remember that once you remove the AM Menu, older versions of the rigs WILL NOT WORK and will come in flat.
Removing the AM Menu
- In Maya, unload the AM Menu from the Plugin Manager (Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plugin Manager) by unchecking the Load and Auto Load options for the arXaosSource plugin.
- Go to your Maya plugin folder on your system and delete the arXaosSource.mll file. Your plugins folder is normally under:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya201x\bin\plug-ins"
for Windows"\Users\Shared\Autodesk\maya\201x\plug-ins"
for Mac
The "201x" in the file path is whatever Maya version you have. eg 2015, 2016 or 2017.
New Tools & Plugins
You can find AM's new tools and plugins on the Resources - Downloads page of the AM Campus.